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June 30th is fast approaching and is the final day to get involved in the Pacifica Foundation’s 2024 Delegate Elections.

KPFT needs 2 more community-minded members to sign up as candidates for the board election to go forward.

To get involved:

  • Renew your membership by making a $25 donation to your Pacifica radio station in order to vote, run and nominate
  • Run for a seat by completing the nominations packet
  • Support other candidates to run by registering as a nominator

Click here to renew your membership to KPFT

You may have already made a donation within the time frame to be eligible to participate (July 1 2023 – June 30 2024). Or you may have completed 3 hours of eligible volunteer work in order to qualify. If you are not sure please reach out to your station to confirm the date of your last contribution or obtain a approval from station management for completed volunteer work.

Click here to Register as a Candidate

Click here to Register as a Nominator

Visit for more information on running yourself and supporting candidates to run. If you have questions please email the election supervisor by writing to