KPFT 90.1 FM Internship Agreement

INSTRUCTIONS: Read, print out and sign.
Scan and email to or
snail mail to:
ATTN: Internship Program, KPFT, PO Box 667220, Houston TX 77266-7220

KPFT-FM recognizes the need of the student for exposure to the real life environment as a supplement to his/her formal education.  This program is intended to help this need, to contribute to the students broadcast education and to be of service to the community.

General Guidelines

The student understands that as an intern you are not an employee of KPFT-FM and will not receive compensation or benefits of any kind from KPFT-FM.

During your internship, you will be required to abide by KPFT-FM policies while on assignment since you will be representing the station.

You understand that participation in the internship program is not a guarantee for future employment with KPFT-FM.

You understand that all business transactions and information you may learn doing your internship are to be considered confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone outside of KPFT-FM, or the department in which your internship occurs, unless you received express permission to do so from Station Management.

You agree to release and discharge KPFT-FM, and each of their directors, officers, employees, and agents of, from all liabilities, claims, demands, actions and causes of any kind arising out of relations to all losses, damages, or injuries of any kind sustained or incurred by you doing your participation in KPFT-FM Student Internship Program.

No intern or candidate for internship shall be discriminated against because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status or any other basis prohibited by applicable federal or state law.  

You understand that during your internship you are to dress in appropriate attire.

All internships shall be unpaid positions in order to assure compliance with Federal Labor Standards Act:

  • The internship shall be for the benefit of the student.
  •  The internship, even though it may include actual operation of some station equipment, shall be similar to the training that would be provided at an educational institution.
  • Interns shall not displace regular employees but will work under their close supervision.
  • The intern must have an orientation session at the beginning of the internship.  The KPFT student intern must maintain a daily diary chronicling his/her activities each work day.
  • The station shall derive no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern and on occasion its operation may actually be impeded.
  • An intern shall not be entitled to employment with KPFT-FM at the conclusion of his/her internship period. An intern may, however, compete for employment openings at KPFT-FM upon the conclusion of his/her internship period, if a position is currently available.
  • An intern should understand in advance that he/she will not be entitled to wages for the time spent during his/her internship.
  • The internship is intended as a learning experience.  The duties of the intern should be clearly spelled out by KPFT-FM General Manager.
  • Start and end dates shall be specified in advance for each internship.   Internships are to last no longer than one semester unless an extension is granted by the Internship Coordinator and the KPFT-FM General Manager.
  • KPFT-FM reserves the right to terminate any intern at any time for actions detrimental to the continued consistent operation of the station.
  • Each intern shall sign and submit to KPFT at the start of his/her internship a letter of application, resume along with this signed Internship Guidelines Declaration agreement.


I have read and understand the preceding guidelines for the KPFT-FM internship program. As an intern, I agree and will abide by the aforementioned guidelines.

Student Signature ________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Print Student Name: ____________________________________

University Major: ______________________________

Internship Coordinator: ___________________________________

KPFT-FM General Manager: ___________________________________