If you make a donation to KPFT before January 1, 2025, not only do you help maintain this unique community radio, but you can also deduct the charitable donation from your taxes.
Make your tax-deductible donation to KPFT before December 31. Our Quiet Drive is ongoing until yearend and you can donate to KPFT on-line by just clicking the KPFT donate button
or using or call 713-526-5738 option 1 and make your donation over the phone.
If you sign up for MyKPFT you can print your own tax receipt and manage your KPFT membership account on-line.
Thank you for listening to and supporting KPFT over its 54 years on the air. We’ll enter our 55th year on March 1, 2025 and we’re planning some special events for you in 2025!