Support Community Radio
KPFT relies on your financial support to power the station we love.
People around the world tune in to KPFT because they appreciate the arts and music, and informative news/talk. You can give back now to the station that gives you so much.
KPFT relies on donor support for nearly 100% of its budget. Those dollars provide the means to give you memorable music and thoughtful stories. Your gift to KPFT resonates throughout our community.
Contact our Membership Department at (713) 526-4000 ext 4 to make a donation to support KPFT or pledge online anytime by clicking here. Your pledge of support is always tax deductible.
Explore All The Ways To Donate
- Donate a Vehicle
- Community Partnerships
- Sustaining Membership
- Donate Stock
- Employer Matching Gifts
- Planned Giving
KPFT offers a variety of Community Partnership opportunities for local businesses and non-profit organizations to support public radio.
Contributions from listeners are a major source of revenue for the station. Community Partnerships from the business and non-profit communities are important. They enable KPFT to produce and broadcast programming we could not otherwise provide.
KPFT’s Community Partnerships help support music, culture and arts vital to the region. In addition, KPFT offers an eclectic. diverse audience. On-air and online options for Community Partnerships are available. They help build relationships with the community of KPFT listeners.
KPFT’s Audience
KPFT attracts a unique audience. Over one-third of our listeners are 44 years old or under. In addition, KPFT has a strong concentration of 18-54 year olds. A majority of our listeners are women.
Through supporting KPFT, your business or organization can reach this valuable audience. Community Partnerships or sponsorship of one of KPFT’s special events yield results.
For more information regarding Community Partnerships, please call (713) 526-4000 x4 or email
Many KPFT members make sustaining donations.
These kinds of membership are ongoing, monthly contributions to support community inspired public radio. These listeners are sustaining members. These sustaining member contributions help KPFT to reduce membership drive days.
How do sustaining memberships help?
Sustaining memberships help KPFT manage its cash flow. When regular monthly revenue comes in, the number of days the radio station spends in on-air fundraising campaigns goes down. These monthly donations also save on mailing costs.
When you are a sustaining member, you also keep your mailbox free of renewal requests. As a sustaining member, your donation is made on an ongoing basis until you tell us otherwise.
There are a couple of ways to become a sustaining member:
You can become a sustaining member by a direct monthly transfer of funds from your checking or savings account to KPFT. Call us at (713) 526-4000 x4 and our membership coordinator will be happy to explain the options in detail.
You can also set up a sustaining membership via credit card. This is a preferred option for some listener-members and easy to do at our pledge page. Thank you for your support of 90.1 KPFT
When you donate stock to 90.1 KPFT, you get double the tax savings.
First, you avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift.
Subtracting the tax savings from what you originally paid for the stock can result in a gift that costs just pennies on the dollar. This is an excellent vehicle for stock that has appreciated substantially in value.
A gift of stock also brings with it KPFT membership, with benefit levels corresponding to the amount of the gift.
How to Give Stock to KPFT
Stockbrokers require delivery instructions in writing. To make a gift to KPFT, you will need to give the following information to your broker:
Shares and securities will be gifted to KPFT via the Pacifica Radio Foundation, Inc.
Instruct your broker to deliver the shares via DTC (a standard practice of electronic transfer). Be sure to let your broker know that your shares are gifted to KPFT via Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Orlando Operations Center
1958 Summit Park Drive, Ste. 200
Orlando, FL 32810
DTC Number: 0164
Account Number: 6871-9554
925 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley CA 94704
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
*If you are donating on behalf of KPFT, please include the station’s CALL LETTERS “KPFT” as a reference in your stock transfer.
Please feel free to call Schwab at 800-435-4000.
Please call 713-526-4000 or email to notify us of your stock gift and type (company name), as electronic stock transfers usually come to us without any donor identification.
No matter if your employer is large and small, many offer to match contributions made to charitable organizations by their employees.
Matching gift contributions from companies are a major source of income for KPFT and can in some cases double or even triple the value of the donation we receive from an individual donor.
Many employers also offer the opportunity for employees to make contributions to KPFT through payroll deductions.
Contact your human resources department to find out if your company has a matching gift program in place.
Matching gifts are easy money for KPFT, and your personal contribution to KPFT can be multiplied by your simply filling out a form! Call us at (713) 526-4000 x4 for more information.
These are some of the employers that offer matching gifts:
Abbott Laboratories Fund, Acxiom Corporation, Adams Nye Sinunu Bruni Becht LLP, Adobe Systems, Inc., AIG, AMD, American Express Foundation, Amgen Foundation, Anchor Brewing Co., Applera Corporation, Argonaut Group, Inc.,, inc., AT&T, Autodesk, Inc., Bank of America, Barclays Global Investors, BD Associates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bite Communications Corporation, Blue Shield, The Boeing Company, BP, BTW Consultants, Inc, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., California Healthcare Foundation, Capital Group Companies, Carnegie Foundation, Charles Schwab, ChevronTexaco, The Chubb Corporation, Cisco, Citigroup Foundation, Clorox Company Foundation, CMP Media LLC, CNA Foundation, College Access Foundation of CA, Compaq, Dolby Labs, East Bay Community Foundation, eBay Foundation, Electronic Arts Outreach Program, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Expedia, Inc., ExxonMobil Foundation, Fair, Isaac and Company, Inc, First Data Western Union Foundation, Flora Family Foundation, Fremont Group, Frog Design, Inc., GAP Foundation, Genentech, Gill Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline Foundation, Global Impact, Google, Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, Harder + Company, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Home Depot, HP Company Foundation, IBM, Intel Corporation, Intuit Foundation, James Irvine Foundation, JK Group, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Johnson & Johnson Companies, Jones Lang LaSalle, JP Morgan / Chase, Juniper Networks, K/P Corporation, Kochis Fitz, KT Foundation, LAM Research Corporation, Levi Strauss Foundation, LexisNexis, Lucent Technologies, Macy’s West, Mellon, Merck Company Foundation, Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc., Metropolitan Life Foundation, Microsoft, Moody’s, Morrison & Foerster Foundation, National Semiconductor, Nokia, Oracle Corporation, OutrEAch, PC World Communications, PG&E, Providian Financial, Qualcomm Incorporated, Renaissance Technologies, The Rockefeller Foundation, Russell, S. S. Papadopulos & Associates, Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, SAP, SBC, Sony Corporation of America, Star Financial, Stuart Foundation, Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Tiffany & Co., Transamerica Foundation, TRW Foundation, Tyco, United Business Media, UPS Foundation, ValueAct Capital, Veritas Software, Verizon Foundation, VISA, Wells Fargo, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Xerox Foundation, XINET, Yahoo!
Many donors make a planned gift to 90.1 KPFT.
Some contributors support KPFT regularly or irregularly, but want to include KPFT in bequests. All of generous supporters help KPFT’s non-profit mission. They do so through a variety of options.
Some of these financial options include:
- Donating a portion from one’s estate
- Naming KPFT a beneficiary of a retirement account
- Naming KPFT a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
- Establishing a charitable remainder
- Establishing a lead trust
These sort of contributions ensure the radio station remains a strong voice in Houston and Southeast Texas for years to come.
How to Add KPFT in Your Planned Giving
Extend your legacy beyond your lifetime with a bequest to KPFT. Through your will, you can make a gift of a certain dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, appreciated assets or the remainder of your assets. If you have additional questions for KPFT, please contact Robin Lewis in the Membership Department,, 713-526-4000 ext 4.
- Beneficiary – the person and/or organization receiving the benefits (usually assets or income) of the will
- Executor – the person or institution, named in the will, who carries out the terms of the will
- Codicil – a written change or amendment made to a will
- Guardian – the person who is appointed by the court to care for the person and/or estate of a minor child or a person deemed incompetent
- Probate – the legal process of proving a will, appointing an executor, and settling an estate; by custom, it has come to be understood as the legal process whereby a deceased person’s estate is administered and distributed.
Legal name: Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc. dba KPFT 90.1FM
Address: 4504 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77266-7220
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
Retirement Plans
If you are participating in a company pension plan or other private plan – such as an Individual Retirement Account – you may find that your retirement assets exceed your retirement needs. These excess retirement assets can be given either before or after death to KPFT.
Donating excess retirement assets helps you avoid the double tax bite, since these assets receive both income tax and estate tax when left as part of an estate. Consequently, this type of gift can help your heirs lessen or avoid estate taxes.
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA tax-free, however you will not receive any tax-deduction (the gift is simply donated without any taxes deducted).
Legal name: Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc. dba KPFT 90.1FM
Address: 4504 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
Life Insurance
Life insurance proceeds provide a very simple way to benefit KPFT and extend your legacy. All you need to do is name KPFT as the beneficiary, in part or whole, of a life insurance policy.
With approval from the Board of Directors, KPFT may pay the premiums on an existing life insurance policy to facilitate these types of gifts.
Legal name: Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc. dba KPFT 90.1FM
Address: 4504 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
Real Estate
Gifting your primary or vacation home, farm, or commercial property can relieve you of property taxes, provide a tax deduction, and give you the satisfaction of supporting KPFT in a substantial way.
Rental properties and time shares are not accepted by KPFT.
Federal tax law allows the donation of a personal residence (to include a vacation home) or farm with the donor retaining the right to life enjoyment. This type of donation is called a retained life estate and is an irrevocable gift. A life estate may be retained for one or more lives (passed down through family) or it may be retained for a term of years. All routine expenses, maintenance fees, property taxes, repairs, etc. are the responsibility of the donor. The donor receives income tax benefits in the year of the gift as well as estate tax benefits.
Legal name: Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc. dba KPFT 90.1FM
Address: 4504 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
Please have your lawyer include language like this in your will to ensure KPFT will receive your bequest: I, John Robert Doe of 123 Commerce Drive, Plano, Texas, 77004 give devise and bequeath real property located at 123 Commerce Drive, Plano, Texas, Lot 1, Block 4 in Plano, Texas 77004 for the sole benefit of KPFT Radio Station located in Houston, Texas to be used solely by KPFT Radio Station for operational and programming expenses.
Charitable Trusts
A charitable trust is an arrangement where property is to be held and administered by a trustee for the benefit of a charitable organization. Depending on the type and how it is established, a trust may be revocable (changeable) or irrevocable (not changeable). There are several types of trusts, the following are two of the most common:
Charitable Remainder Trust allows you to make a gift that retains income for a specified time period. Your funds are held separately and invested for payment of an income to you or another beneficiary. When the trust expires (at the death of the income recipient or at the end of the period of time you specified), the trust remainder is distributed for the charitable purposes you specify. A tax deduction is allowed at the time you create your trust. The size of the deduction depends on age, payment percentage, and other factors.
Charitable Lead Trust provides a gift over a period of years while ensuring that the property will ultimately return to the donor or loved ones. The lead trust is one of the few ways to reduce or eliminate taxes that otherwise would be due on assets left to children or grandchildren. Under the terms of a charitable lead trust, assets are transferred to a trust that pays income to one or more charitable recipients for the number of years you determine. At the end of that period, the remaining assets are returned to you or other persons you name.
Legal name: Pacifica Foundation Radio, Inc. dba KPFT 90.1FM
Address: 4504 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004
Tax identification number: 94-1347046
Please contact Robin Lewis at (713) 526-4000 ext 4 to discuss including 90.1 KPFT as part of your planned giving.