You’ve probably noticed that KPFT is in fund drive right now. You canDonate Buttonat whatever level you desire. However, this time the station is looking to greatly increase its number of sustainer members and is offering a new incentive to make that worth your while.

Memory Brick sample inscribedKPFT is offering 4″x8″ and 8″x8″ inscribable bricks to new sustainers. Sign up for a $25 per month donation  to get the 4″x8″ brick (pictured here) or $50 per month for a 8″x8″ brick. You get to inscribe the brick you choose with any inscription you want and your brick will be laid in the front plaza at KPFT this summer.

Sustainers are people who donate monthly to the station until they tell the station to stop it. There are currently about 700 sustainers at KPFT donating at many different monthly levels. Their support has gotten the station thru some hard times. If you join their number and if we can get that number closer to 1,000 the station will be on much more firm footing and also will have the option of shortening the fund drives and also decreasing their number.

So donate what you can to keep the station going. If you’re in a position to become a sustainer please do that at whatever level you’re comfortable at. And if you’re comfortable with a $25 per month or more donation, get yourself a Memory Brick and let the station feature your generosity in physical form.