Founded in 1994, International Media Project is an independent, non-profit organization committed to investigative journalism, in-depth critical analysis, the promotion of civic participation and the dissemination of educational material. Its core focus is Making Contact. Foundations know us as International Media Project, but you can just call us Making Contact.

Our Mission

Making Contact produces media that analyses critical social and environmental issues and showcases grassroots solutions in order to inform and inspire audiences to action.

Our work heightens public consciousness, broadens debate on critical social issues and encourages civic participation, by giving voice to diverse perspectives and opinions underrepresented in corporate media. Our goal is to produce media that informs, inspires, and moves people to take action.

Our Core Activities

Making Contact, is an award-winning, 29-minute weekly magazine/documentary-style public affairs program heard on 151 radio stations in the USA, Canada, South Africa and Ireland.

We distribute Making Contact to non-commercial radio stations and online listeners without charge. We train independent journalists and community members in radio skills, improving popular access to the media. Through our community collaborations, Making Contact increases the media capacity of community groups and helps amplify the voices of those working and organizing for social justice.

Making Contact is committed to in-depth critical analysis that goes beyond the breaking news. Showcasing voices and perspectives rarely heard in corporate media, Making Contact focuses on the human realities of politics and the connections between local and global events, emphasizing positive and creative ways to solve problems. Making Contact is free to noncommercial stations.

  • In-depth reports on political and social issues, trends and events, contributed by journalists from around the globe.
  • Ordinary people talk about how public policy affects their daily lives, families and communities.
  • Speeches by social activists and advocates share a vision of a better world.
  • Special mini-series, such as How We Survive.