Saturday, March 5, 11am-2pm: Register at this link: Meeting Registration




The purpose of the Community Advisory Board (CAB) is to improve and promote communication between programmers, listeners, and community-based organizations to increase community awareness, build relationships between groups, individuals, and organizations, and to facilitate better programming that positively impacts diverse communities throughout the KPFT listening area. The CAB reports to the local station board. After the Town Hall Meeting (May 18, 2019), the board’s goal was to do a yearly town hall meeting, however, due to COVID, gatherings were halted and Zoom calls and forum were developed.

Theme: Community Media: What Does the Future of Progressive Media Look Like? You Get to Decide.

Join us on Saturday, March 5, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a Town Hall Meeting powered by the Community Advisory Board of KPFT. The purpose of this Town Hall meeting is to bring programmers, listeners, and people from diverse communities who are committed to a mission to build lasting understanding between diverse communities, to promote the full distribution of public information, and to employ varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting these communities. For more information, go to and register for a seat at the table where you get to decide.

2022 MEETING TEAM:  Making up our core team, currently part of the KPFT Community Advisory Board:


PK McCary, Chair
Matthew Jenkins, Secretary
Akua Holt
Joy Jackson
Yolanda Marshall


Claudia Corletta
Jaime Moon
Eryon McCary
Sister Mama Sonya
Tanuke Smith
Sema Hernandez
Eddie Garcia


Town Hall Meeting, March 5, 2022, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., inviting programmers, listeners, and advocates, and organizations who advocate for social issues (e.g., Environment, Justice



  • Share Air-Time
  • Listen to Understand
  • Ask questions/seek clarification
  • If you are offended or uncomfortable, say so, and say why. Be respectful.
  • It’s okay to disagree, but don’t personalize (no name calling)
  • Identify shared goals
  • Share responsibility for making dialogue work
  • Participation” and


Building Bridges, Not Walls: Defining ways to meeting the issues of working together, and contribute to lasting understanding between nations, and between the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors.

Art/Activism: To encourage and provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community, and to provide aid other creative activities, which will serve the cultural welfare of the community.

Ending Racism: Creating a work environment to end racism by understanding the structure of racism, defining anti-racism and non-racist behaviors, and responding to all acts of racism immediately.

KPFT, A Non-Profit: Defining the purpos2 of this corporation to promote the study of political and economic problems and of the causes of religious, philosophical and racial antagonisms.

Developing a Community Calendar: Houston’s community of organiza- tions, groups, and individuals should have a general calendar to support the work of all, while finding ways to not overshadow one another.

Redressing KPFT’s Mission: Defining the educational purposes of the station and the Foundation, without special benefit to any member of the Foundation, but to all.