We continue to make good progress on the new studio. On Saturday, August 20, an incredible volunteer effort made possible the transport of an estimated 1000 cubic ft of material that was salvaged from the Lovett studio. No need to go to a health club… this was a work out!

1000s of CDs, audio and business equipment along with promotional materials were transported from a storage unit on Westheimer to the studio. Heavy lifting in the dense humid summer air started at 8 AM thru the noon hour. Box after box was passed from one volunteer to another and much was stored on the second floor.

I would like to thank, as we all should:

HOWARD (everywhere) REYNOLDS
Malcolm Hackney (All Star Media, donated his box truck and drove it too)
Augie Gaona
William Stone (LSB member)
Mac McPherson (LSB member and Treasurer)
Ted Weisgal (LSB member)
Bill Crosier (coordinator fro this effort)
Debbie Smith (Chair of our Building Committee) and her grandson James Williams
Roark (Wide Open Spaces) Smith
Hank Lamb (KPFT programmer)
David Britton (KPFT programmer)

We are community media and we are volunteer powered. Please continue to support us as we open the studio and return to in the moment, live broadcast.

Together we can do anything!
