It turns out that building a couple of radio studios is quite a task.  As I pen this note, Moe Thomas, Pacifica’s lead engineer, is in town with others to help install equipment to get us back on the air live.   Since March of 2020 our volunteer programmers have been working from home, increasing the effort to produce programming by many hours each week.  I thank each of them for following through.
Beginning September 24th, we will return LIVE.  Work will continue on our studios to finish certain details, but the studio will open to our programming staff, first on a limited basis and ultimately on a 24 hour basis as before.
Your support is greatly appreciated and is needed now more than ever.  Donate here or by calling 713-526-5738.
In  returning to live broadcast, I am putting out a call to those in the community interested in becoming volunteer board operators.   We will train and assign shifts for you to work.   This is a great way to get involved and, in doing so, provide a critical service to KPFT.  Engineering a program requires dedication and commitment.  Please make sure you have the time when you get involved.  As they say, “the show must go on,” and it takes that critical role of proper board operation to make it happen.   Please email me at to get involved.   We are looking for a few folks that can spare the time.
I want to thank all of the many volunteers that have made the move to the studio possible.  To Malcolm Hackney and his donation of a box truck.  To Joe Marcinkowski who donated studio and office furniture.  To Margie Connolly who donated furniture.  To Debbie Smith and the building committee.  To the large team of volunteers that helped to lift, lug and carry all kinds of equipment into the new building.   To the KPFT staff, Howard, Markisha and Robin keeping it together and keeping it moving forward.
This has been a remarkable community effort!
See you LIVE Saturday the 24th of September… what could go wrong?
sandy weinmann