It’s no secret that KPFT runs on listener support.   It’s been that way for 53 1/2 years!   As we travel through the month of August, KPFT again asks for your support during our SUMMER SIZZLE fund drive.

In total we need to raise $75,000 to tide us over until October.  The month of August defines the drive, but our on-air personalities will be asking you from August 10-24.   Please do your part – become a sustaining member of get our newest T-shirt

It can’t be said enough; KPFT’s listeners are the backbone of the station and why it has been able to broadcast for 53 years. Please keep on listening to 90.1 FM and our HD2 channel by whatever method works for you and let your friends in on the open secret which is KPFT.

Donate on-line here at or call 713-526-5738 [opt 1].

On behalf of everyone at KPFT and your fellow listeners, thank you for taking action to support community media, KPFT.